Do students spend enough time learning? Pisa in focus 73 @oecd #homework

Fuente. Pisa in focus 73

Studying more hours does not necessarily lead to better learning outcomes

An increase in the average time students spend learning in regular science lessons is associated with an increase in the average science score, at least in those school systems where less time, overall, is spent learning science. Conversely, for every additional hour of average after-school study time, the average science score drops by about 20 points. Based on these results, it could be argued that learning time at school is more effective than studying after school, but also that students in low-performing school systems need to study and participate in after-school learning activities more than students in high- performing systems in order to attain similar learning outcomes.

The bottom line
It is difficult to tell how much time students should spend learning, but it seems clear that many students are spending too much time studying after school – at least more than it seems reasonable if they want to lead a balanced life. Studying and learning after school might not only be inequitable, depending on the quality and availability of after-school learning opportunities, it might also be a less- efficient way of meeting challenging academic standards than learning in regular school lessons. To help students avoid spending a disproportionate amount of time doing homework, receiving additional instruction and studying after school, policy makers, schools, teachers, parents and students should redouble their efforts to make students’ learning time at school more productive.

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